About Me

Hi! Thanks for stopping by. I am a second-year Ph.D. student at UNC Chapel Hill, advised by Prof. Mohit Bansal. My research interests lie generally in Natural Language Processing, LLM Reasoning, Representation Learning, and the incorporation of NLP and Knowledge Graphs. Prior to my Ph.D. journey, I earned my master’s degree from National Taiwan University, advised by Dr. Lun-Wei Ku and Prof. Hsin-Hsi Chen. When I was an undergraduate, I had the pleasure of working closely with Prof. Cheng-Te Li.

Recent News

  • Jul 2024: Check out System-1.x, our new preprint on arxiv!
  • Jun 2024: I am joining Google Cloud AI as a Student Researcher this summer!
  • May 2024: ReConcile is accepted to ACL 2024.
  • May 2024: MAGDi is accepted to ICML 2024.
  • Feb 2024: Check out MAGDi, our new preprint on arxiv!
  • Oct 2023: We have a paper accepted to EMNLP 2023.
  • Sep 2023: Check out ReConcile, our new preprint on arxiv!
  • May 2023: We have two papers accepted to ACL 2023.
  • Apr 2023: I will be joining MURGe-Lab and begin my Ph.D. journey!